Lake Powell Recap

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If you’ve never been to Lake Powell you must know that the pictures can’t come close to the breathtaking beauty that surrounds you there. The sheer magnitude of the rocks that surround the lake is impossible to scale in a picture. In some spots they are probably hundreds of feet tall and looking up to the top can make you feel a little dizzy.

This is the 7th year in a row that I have taken this week long vacation to Lake Powell and I hope I get to do it every year until I physically can’t anymore! We stay on my fiance’s families’ houseboat (sort of like a timeshare where everyone owns their own week) and take the houseboat south from Halls Crossing in Utah about 20 miles until we are close to the San Juan River where it tends to be less packed with houseboats and there are awesome canyons that you can park your houseboat in. This year we had 17 people on the trip a mix of people from age 13 to probably 62 years old. It’s pretty crazy how close you tend to get to people you are packed into a houseboat with for 8 days. There’s a certain amount of chaos with everyone’s stuff all over the place, but I enjoy it.

The best part about Lake Powell is there is no time but the sun and even then we don’t let that stop us. The vibe is very “choose your own adventure” where you can do pretty much anything you want, any time. Wake surfing, jet ski adventures, sky skiing, floating around, beer pong, margaritas at noon, hanging out on a rock island in the middle of the lake, take awkward family photos…


From left to right my fiancé Wes, me, Sarah, Julie and Fabyan. (three of our best friends!)

My favorite part of the trip is hands down this group of people that are always there- three of our best friends Sarah, Julie and Fabyan. We’ve been on so many trips together that we are completely relaxed doing anything together and have the greatest time even just sitting there staring off at the sky. We usually take the jet skis away from home camp and find somewhere awesome like this little canyon to hangout for the afternoon, taking with us a fully stocked cooler of beer, bag wine and a camera. They are some of the most hilarious days of my life. When there is no technology between us it’s really amazing the things you find yourselves talking about with complete ease. I think that is why this is one of my favorite trips to take- there is no cell service, no TV, nothing that connects us to the world outside of the people that we are with. It’s pretty powerful to connect with people this way and I think it’s essential for us to continue doing things like this with our ever-evolving reliance on technology.


The other view of our getaway/ photoshoot canyon.

Lake Powell is always my favorite week of the summer, but this year it will be highly contested with when our wedding rolls around in August!


The sunset view from the top of our houseboat looking up our canyon.


  1. What a great week! So glad I got to spend it with you all. Can’t wait for next year!

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