To New Year’s Resolution or Not?

In Uncategorized, Whole30 by Bernie2 Comments

With the New Year only a few days away, this is the question on everyone’s minds… to New Year’s Resolution or not?

The biggest problem I’ve had in my past with New Year’s Resolutions is that I think I will be able to do something for 30 days and then it will just be a habit, a no brainer to stick with. The hard truth to swallow is that most of the time it’s not that easy. Habits are usually built up of years and years worth of learned behavior. The only way to change a habit is to constantly be conscious of it and work to change it. This process could be easy or it could take years. The thing to remember most of all is that it is possible and you can absolutely do it.

The biggest thing on everyone’s minds this time of year seems to be dieting, losing weight and getting back into the gym. I have done that type of resolution many times before and I will be transparent in admitting that I’ve also failed at it many times. I’ve been through a constant revolving door of a fitness routine and then none at all. The problem with so many fitness programs or the “diet mentality” is that people expect a magic pill- I’ve been there too. To work hard or starve yourself for 30 days and then be able to “go back to normal,” or being at your “goal weight” at the end. I put these in quotations because I think the concept of “goal weight” does nothing to really portray how healthy you are or how good you’re feeling, it’s just a number on the scale. The real purpose in my opinion for New Year’s resolutions should be to create a new, better normal. A normal that is sustainable, healthier than before and a state of constant improvement. The journey to health isn’t a static straight line, there are bumps, twists and turns and sometimes dead ends. It’s important to learn there’s always ways to be better and that is my personal goal for the New Year. It’s broad, but it’s also not going to set me up for failure or end on January 30th.

If you’ve read my about me you know I’ve mentioned a little bit about the Whole30 and how life changing it was for me. In a nutshell you eliminate dairy, gluten, grains, legumes, sugar and alcohol for 30 days- these are the foods that most commonly cause inflammation. I did my first Whole30 in May of 2013, which feels like a lifetime ago! Since then I’ve completed 3 other full ones and a few that weren’t quite 30 days, just for a quick reset. The best time of year for a whole30 is, surprise, Jan 1st! The last 3 that I have done have been New Year Whole30’s and they are the best way for me to start the year. Also it doesn’t hurt going 30 days without sugar and drinking after the holidays!

The best part about committing to a whole30 in January is that so many other people are trying to be healthier too. I think it makes it easier to stick to the rules and sometimes you can even recruit your friends to do it with you!

Here are some of the reasons I recommend a Whole30:

  • Starting out doesn’t require any amount of cooking skills or nutrition knowledge. There are SO MANY resources out there for the program and the whole30 website itself has easy to follow templates for meal sizes, portions, etc.
  • Having to plan all 3 meals for 30 days really does change your habits. You have to prep food in advance, or at least have a plan for the week- this will set you up for success not only in whole30 but also afterwards.
  • Many things change for the better: sleep, complexion, athletic performance, energy throughout the day, tastes evolve (when you’re not eating sugar in everything, it’s crazy!), you might lose some weight, your digestion will function better.
  • It’s not an arbitrary number of calories to fit in- you fill your plate with quality protein, lots of veggies and healthy fats and you learn to eat until you’re full… and you stay full between meals!
  • You’ll learn that eating healthy REALLY ISN’T THAT HARD.
  • After the 30 days you have a reintroduction period when you reintroduce each food on it’s own to see if it’s negatively effecting you in any way, then you can decide whether or not to include it in your regular food rotation or just every once in awhile.
  • If nothing else you are focusing to eat lots of vegetables for 30 days- everyone could use more vegetables!

I could keep writing this list because I truly believe the benefits are huge from this program. Not to mention, if you are like me a hard list of Yes and No foods and the framework of 30 days makes it much easier to stick to. 30 days is NOTHING. Especially when it could change your health for the better.

Here are some of the reasons I want to do a whole30:

  • Improved sleep and energy
  • Gut healing- I’ve been experiencing some heart burn and other digestive issues that I know the whole30 will help
  • no sugar and no alcohol – it’s insane once you start looking at sugar content, it is in almost everything.
  • An overall reset to set a great intention for the year.
  • Eczema- I currently have it on my hands and arms… though it is INSANELY dry in Colorado I know part of it is food related.

Overall I think the whole30 or programs like it that focus on eating healthy balanced meals with lots of veggies, adequate protein and healthy fats is better able to set you up for a healthier lifestyle and habits overall than a crash 1200 calorie diet where you can eat whatever you want.

I hope everyone has a fantastic New Year’s Eve celebration and that you ring in 2017 with intentions for a happy and healthy year ahead! I will be posting recipes, updates and tips along the way in January to let you know how I’m doing, what I’m eating and how I’m feeling.

Until then, I’ll be drinking champagne. Cheers!


  1. Great Article Bernie! Thank you for saying that January is a good month to start some cleaning…and everyone will be doing it, so we an all do together. Are you doing the Whole 30 Jan. 1st? I am doing a program starting Jan. 3rd..we can support each other.

    Happy New Year! xo

    1. Author

      Hey Bev! We can definitely all do it together, I mean it should be that way always, but we’ve got to start somewhere! I did start a Whole30 on Jan 2nd! I hope yours is going great! We’ll have to chat soon 🙂

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